Is there something physical you collect?

What digital collections do you have...for example: I have years worth of photographs, a hard drive full of music I haven't listen to in a while, resumes dating back to 2001...
How does the digital world affect the way we collect?
Playlists for different things like walking, showering, sad moods, happy moods etc. The digital world makes it easier for us to collect and also makes us collect subconsciously. For example, screenshotting memes all the time makes you have a collection of memes but you don't really think about that.

Set up collecting parameters for your digital collection (do a search or two to see if it's plausible):
What will you? (be as specific as possible, ie. swimming pools in Philadelphia) 
Donuts that all vary in flavor- some chocolate, some with sprinkles, some glazed or filled, etc.

How many? (example 10… less is more because you will be processing each image you collect!)
Where to source ( online - google maps, instagram)?

Twelve donuts all from google.
